Technical information

Using the Mwave DSP Audio Features
Select Synthesizer
When you use wave audio and
at the same time, select 24 voices
(the default value).
When you select the
icon in the
Mwave ThinkPad
you can change the number of voices supported by the MIDI
Sound Blaster support
Volume of the Sound Blaster sound
can be controlled by using the
following key combinations:
Ctrl+Alt+U (volume up) and
Ctrl+Alt+D (volume down).
For Windows, Mwave supports the Sound Blaster support in a DOS
session. It is not necessary to type MWGAMES ON to enable the
support, this is done automatically. Simply open a DOS session
and start the game.
Considerations for the WIN-OS/2 Environment
When you use the WIN-OS/2
environment, see “For Windows or
WIN-OS/2” on page 80.
The following are considerations when playing MIDI files in the
WIN-OS/2 environment.
To play MIDI files in the WIN-OS/2 environment
from the OS/2
, the Audio Mode in the
Mwave Audio Options
must be set to Normal (not Audio/Image Synch).
The MWS.EXE program must be running in the same session
as the program that runs the MIDI file. If you use multiple
WIN-OS/2 sessions, MWS.EXE must be started in each
session. To run MWS.EXE, migrate it to the OS/2 Desktop and
start it before starting the MIDI application programs. To
migrate MWS.EXE to the OS/2 Desktop, refer to the OS/2
Chapter 3. Operating Your Computer 83