
Using the Time Code
The time code shows the hour, minute and
second of recording, and the frame number
(1 frame = approx. 1/30 sec.). This is automati-
cally recorded along with the subject when you
are recording on the tape. You can display the
time code on the screen as an accurate
counter in both TAPE-VCR and TAPE-CAMERA
Display format
Frame number*
Second * Displayed during still
Minute or frame advance
Hour playback.
The example screens for this feature are for
TAPE-VCR mode.
During playback or camera recording in
TAPE modes, press the MENU/
DISPLAY button until the menu screen
Select I:TC,then press _ on the
Operation button. Select "TIME CODE"
(_), then press _ (_).
Press the MENU/DISPLAY button to
turn off the menu screen.
The time code appears.
DISPLAY Time code
To turn off the time code
Select "DISP.OFF" in step 3 above.
When the tape reaches an unrecorded section,
the time code returns to zero (TC0:00:00). Once
recorded, the time code cannot be changed.
Displaying the time code on a TV
during playback
1 In TAPE-VCR mode, select ETC,then
press m,_ on the Operation button.
Select "TC OUT" (_), then press m,_
2 Press or _,-/H to select "ON", then
press _.
3 Press or _-/H to select"DISR ON",
then press _.