User manual

8-2 BioRobot EZ1 DSP Workstation User Manual 02/2007
Term Description
O-ring A ring that is fitted at the bottom of a tip adapter. It is
required for good contact between the tip adapter and a
The component of the BioRobot EZ1 DSP that aspirates
and dispenses liquid and separates magnetic particles. The
pipettor head moves up and down above the worktable
and contains 6 syringe pumps, each of which is connected
to a tip adapter.
Protocol A set of instructions for the BioRobot EZ1 DSP that allows
the instrument to automate a nucleic acid purification
procedure. Protocols are run using the control panel.
An item of labware that contains 10 wells and 2 heating
positions. One heating position is a well, the other is a slot
that can accept a tube. A reagent cartridge is prefilled with
Sample tube A polypropylene, screw-capped 2 ml tube for holding a
sample containing nucleic acids to be purified.
Tip adapter One of 6 metal probes installed on the pipettor head.
During operation of the BioRobot EZ1 DSP, the tip
adapters pick up filter-tips from the worktable.
Tip holder A polypropylene tube that holds a single filter-tip. Tip
holders are loaded onto the tip rack.
Tip rack A metal rack that accommodates tip holders containing
filter-tips on the worktable. The tip rack also
accommodates sample tubes and elution tubes.
Tray A metal tray is located under the worktable. It collects any
drops of liquid that may fall.