User manual

Setup Your VorTech Pump
Assigning Master/Slave Relationship (cont.)
• Assign the Master - Set the master pump by pressing the
mode button. The control dial will then blink blue and green.
You are now ready to assign slave pumps.
• Assign the Slaves - Set the slave pump by pressing the
set button on the driver. The control dial will then blink blue
and yellow. NOTE: If the slave blinks blue and red, it was
too far away from the master driver and could not commu-
nicate properly. Repeat this step for all slaves you want to
assign the the master.
• Reset the Master - Hold the mode button on the master
pump after completing ALL the master/slave assignments.
The pump will reset and begin operation in the previous
mode you had programmed. You can then change modes
with the master pump like normal and the slave pumps
will operate according to what the master pump defines.
Slave pump speeds can be defined by the master or can
be locally defined, See Section 2.3: Assigning a Local Max
Speed to a Slave.
• Begin Normal Operation - Use the controls on the Master Pump to operate all pumps in the
group. Slave pumps can only be set to sync or anti-sync modes, or the three options in EcoS-
mart modes. For more information on operating slave pumps and configuration, see Chapter 5:
Pump Configuration for EcoSmart Modes.
• Program Subsequent Groups - Now that the first group is programmed, repeat these steps on
the next group of pumps, if so desired.
• Unassign a Slave Pump - If you would like to unassign a pump as a slave and use it independ-
ently, follow instructions for clearing driver memory and perform those steps on the slave pump
which you would like to unassign.
NOTE: The subsequent pump groups must be programmed near the original group. For example, if running
two different groups in separate areas of your house, the second group must be programmed within 5 feet the
first group to ensure proper communication.
*Pump shown reset to constant
Speed Mode (Green Dial).
Section 3.7