Installation guide

Spy & Hidden
Support Hours 7:00am5:00pm MST
Part Number:
Fire Sprinkler Spy Camera
Get an amazingly clear picture from this
tiny hidden spy camera that is cleverly
disguised as a fire sprinkler. The camera
lens points out of the side of the unit at
about a 45 degree angle and it has a full
color picture with 330 lines of resolution.
Part Number:
Clock Radio Color Spy Camera
A fully functional desk-top clock radio
hides a tiny covert high resolution color
camera in plain site, right on a desk. The
unit tells accurate time, plays music and
has a working alarm, all while capturing
perfectly clear video at more than 330 lines of resolution.
Part Number:
Covert Pencil Sharpener Camera
Perfect for entrances or targeted areas with
its straight view lens. This camera is easily
hidden in plain site in just about any office
environment. A full color 1/3‖ CCD Camera
with a 5.5mm pinhole lens and automatic
back light compensation allows this hidden
video camera to capture a full 330 lines of resolution.
Part Number:
Exit Sign Covert Color Camera
Place one of the exit sign hidden surveil-
lance camera at every exit from your build-
ing and you are sure to capture any criminal
activity. This is a fully functional emergency
exit sign that includes a high resolution color
camera with a pinhole lens.
Part Number:
Emergency Light Spy Camera
Perfect for stairwells, parking garages or
back entrances, this high resolution color
camera is concealed in an emergency light
fixture. With it's wide angle lens, you are
sure to capture any events that take place
in front of this fully functional emergency light. This emergency
light is fully functional and will light up when power is lost, all
while capturing perfectly clear video at more than 330 lines of
CCTV Hidden Cameras
Part Number:
Motion Detector Hidden Camera
Cleverly disguised as a burglar alarm motion
detector is a 380 line color camera with a
3.6mm wide angle pinhole lens. Perfect for
monitoring large rooms, this totally hidden
camera is provided with a wall mount bracket
that can be rotated for optimal views. If your
home or office has an existing burglar alarm
system, this motion detector hidden video camera will blend
right in.
No one will
ever know
its there!