Operation Manual

Job code: 62
* Item: Selection: Entry:
A Always enter 0. (Fixed position) 0
B Error beep activation By lock error* 0
By misoperation 1
C Key touch sound availability Allow to sound* 0
Disallow it 1
D Buffered keyboard Yes* 0
No 1
E Void mode operation availability Allow void mode operation* 0
Disallow it 1
F Void mode entry data print in Z2 reports Allow printing of void mode entry data in Z2 reports* 0
Disallow it 1
G Void mode entry data print in Z1 reports Allow printing of void mode entry data in Z1 reports* 0
Disallow it 1
H Addition of hourly sales total data in No* 0
void mode Yes 1
Job code: 66
* Item: Selection: Entry:
A Printing a receipt after transaction Total only 0
Details* 1
B Amount printing when PLU/subdept. Disallow printing* 0
unit price is zero Allow it 1
C Subtotal printing for conversion of Allow printing* 0
deficit Disallow it 1
D Always enter 0. (Fixed position) 0
E Compression print on journal at PGM, No (normal size) 0
X1/Z1 and X2/Z2 modes Yes (small size)* 1
F Compression print on journal at REG, No (normal size) 0
MGR and VOID modes Yes (small size)* 1
G Logo message printing on journals Disallow logo message printing on journals* 0
Allow logo message printing on journals 1
H Footer printing Printing footer on all receipts* 0
Printing footer with selected function key at the time of finalization
Compression print on journal
This selection is valid only when “printing style” (job code 6) is set to “journal printing”.
Job code: 70
* Item: Selection: Entry:
A Split pricing counting Quantity* 0
Package 1
B Multiplication/split pricing entry availability Allow multiplication entry only* 0
Allow both of multiplication and split pricing 1
C Always enter 0. (Fixed position) 0
D Always enter 0. (Fixed position) 0
E Tax printing when GST is VAT Allow tax printing* 0
Disallow it 1
F GST exempt printing on X/Z reports Allow printing of GST exempt* 0
Disallow it 1
GH Tax calculation system Auto tax* 00
Canadian tax (tax type number) 01 through 11