
2010July 8
Attention: Your product
is marked with this symbol.
It means that used electri-
cal and electronic products
should not be mixed with
general household waste.
There is a separate collec-
tion system for these
A. Information on Disposal for Users private households)
1. In the European Union
Attention: If you want to dispose of this equipment, please do not use the ordinary dustbin!
Used electrical and electronic equipment must be treated separately and in accordance with legislation that requires proper
treatment, recovery and recycling of used electrical and electronic equipment.
Following the implementation by member states, private households within the EU states may return their used electrical and
electronic equipment to designated collection facilities free of charge*. In some countries* your local retailer may also take back
your old product free of charge if you purchase a similar new one.
*) Please contact your local authority for further details.
If your used electrical or electronic equipment has batteries or accumulators, please dispose of these separately beforehand
according to local requirements.
By disposing of this product correctly you will help ensure that the waste undergoes the necessary treatment, recovery and
recycling and thus prevent potential negative effects on the environment and human health which could otherwise arise due to
inappropriate waste handling.
2. In other Countries outside the EU
If you wish to discard this product, please contact your local authorities and ask for the correct method of disposal.
B. Information on Disposal for Business Users
1. In the European Union
If the product is used for business purposes and you want to discard it:
Please contact your SHARP dealer who will inform you about the take-back of the product. You might be charged for the costs
arising from take-back and recycling. Small products (and small amounts) might be taken back by your local collection facilities.
2. In other Countries outside the EU
If you wish to discard of this product, please contact your local authorities and ask for the correct method of disposal.
For EU: The crossed-out wheeled bin implies that used batteries should not be put to the general household waste! There is a
separate collection system for used batteries, to allow proper treatment and recycling in accordance with legislation. Please
contact your local authority for details on the collection and recycling schemes.
For Switzerland:
The used battery is to be returned to the selling point.
For other non-EU countries:
Please contact your local authority for correct method of disposal of the used battery.
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