
CD or MP3/WMA disc Playback
Listening to a CD or MP3/WMA disc
This system can play back a standard CD, CD-R/RW in the CD
format and CD-R/RW with MP3 or WMA files, but cannot record on
Some audio CD-R and CD-RW discs may not be playable due
to the state of the disc or the equipment used for recording.
MP3 is a form of compression. It is an acronym which stands
for MPEG Audio Layer 3.
MP3 is a type of audio code which is processed by significant
compression from the original audio source with very little loss
in sound quality.
z The MP3 track indicator will light up when an MP3 track is read.
z This system supports MPEG 1 Layer 3 and VBR files.
z During VBR file playback, time counter in the display may differ
from its actual playback time.
z Bitrate which is supported by MP3 is 32 ~ 320 kbps.
WMA files are ASF (Advanced System Format) audio files which
are compressed with Windows Media Audio codec. WMA is de-
veloped by Microsoft as an audio format file for Windows Media
z The WMA track indicator will light up when a WMA track is read.
z Supported bit rates for WMA files range from 64 kbps to 160 kbps.