
Cleaning the CD pickup lens
Cleaning the cabinet
Periodically wipe the cabinet with a soft cloth and a diluted soap so-
lution, then with a dry cloth.
Do not use chemicals for cleaning (petrol, paint thinner, etc.). It
may damage the cabinet finish.
Do not apply oil to the inside of the unit. It may cause malfunc-
Cleaning the tape-handling parts
Dirty head, capstan or pinch roller can cause poor sound and tape
jams. Clean these parts with a cotton swab moistened with com-
mercial head/pinch roller cleaner or isopropyl alcohol.
When cleaning the head, pinch roller, etc., unplug the unit which
contains high voltages.
After long use, the deck’s head and capstan may become magne-
tised, causing poor sound. Demagnetise these parts once every
30 hours of playing/recording time by using a commercial tape
head demagnetiser. Read the demagnetiser’s instructions care-
fully before use.
Do not touch the laser pickup lens. If
finger prints or dust accumulate on
the pickup, clean it gently with a dry
cotton swab.
A Erase head
B Recording/
Playback head
C Capstan
D Pinch roller