User manual

Calendar 17
If the event has an end date, uncheck the No End Date checkbox, then tap the
End Date button, and choose an end date from the calendar that pops up.
To choose which day(s) of the week the event should repeat, tap the relevant
Repeat On button(s).
Monthly Events
Tap the Every spinbox to set how many months between each repeat.
If the event has an end date, uncheck the No End Date checkbox, then tap the
End Date button, and choose an end date from the calendar that pops up.
If the event repeats by day of week (i.e. every first Thursday), tap the Repeat By
“Day” button. If the event repeats by date (i.e. every 6th), tap the Repeat By
“Date” button.
Annual Events
Tap the Every spinbox to set how many years between each repeat.
If the event has an end date, uncheck the No End Date checkbox, then tap the
End Date button, and choose an end date from the calendar that pops up.
Repeating Event screen
Repeat By buttons
Repeating Event screen
No End Date checkbox Page 17 Monday, January 21, 2002 5:47 PM