User manual

92 Settings
Tap the Date button and then tap your current date on the Calendar screen that
Tap the up and down arrows of the year spinbox to set the current year.
Tap the month drop-down list button and select the current month.
Tap or to change the setting month by month.
Tap or to select the first month (January) or last month (December) in
one go.
Tap the Weeks start on drop-down list button and then tap the starting day of
the week of the calendar: Sunday or Monday.
Tap the Date Format drop-down list button and then tap the desired format.
The selected format applies to the Date column displayed on the Index screen
of the application, etc.
M/D/Y (example, 12/26/02)
D.M.Y (example, 26.12.02)
Y-M-D (example, 02-12-26)
D/M/Y (example, 26/12/02)
Tap to save the new date and time setting.
To move the cursor from steps 2 through 7, press the Tab key as
required on the hardware keyboard. Page 92 Monday, January 21, 2002 5:47 PM