User`s guide

An error message is issued in PC or SHARP after starting data communication
Though the PC finds the cable (the words „EL-Link” or „SHARP” are displayed beside one of the COM ports
in the window Options
Data communication parameters), the data communication does not work.
The SHARP issues Transmit Error, Communication Error , or the PC issues a Data communication error
Turn SHARP on and set it at receiving or sending only after the window Receive…, Send…, Synchronize, Backup
saveor Restoreis started in the PC.
Make sure the Jack connector put in the SHARP is connected well. Repeated problem, that this connector is not put
to totally clash, because it get stuck in the final 1 mm, with a sort of totally connection feeling. Although still stands
out about 1 mm. In this case you have to turn over the unit to come the connector into better view, then must be push
with bigger power, while the clearance/gap fully disappears between the root of the connector and the unit.
Under Windows 95, 98, 2000, NT, MN,XP look the COM and LPT ports menuitem up in Start icon
Control panel
System window, and check whether exclamation mark exists next to the COM port. If visible, then
examine this COM port (click on it), and clear the problem indicated.
Make sure there are no resident programs (aggressor mouse or other driver) loaded in the files Config.sys and
Autoexec.bat and Win.ini, or in Registry database, that may disturb EL-Link, or very slow down or keep down the
PC. Under Windows 95 or latter version look for small icon in the right corner of Taskbar, and if the above COM
driver program exists it must be removed by right button click of mouse to the icon, and select the close or other
remover menuitem. For final removing the Start icon
Control panel
Add/Remove programs utility
can be used.
If the Your cable not include electronic circuit (that is not EL-Link cable), can be happened that the communication
not work with your PC because of
different signal level
echo symptom.
The signal level of the EL, ZQ units
smaller than of PC (0...+3V < ±12V) and because of this the signal of SHARP die away in the insensitive PC. But if
the PC is very sensitive then arise the echo symptom, because when the PC send the byte the EL unit immediately
send back this byte by low (1 V) level signal. This echo bytes disturb the PC link software in the receiving. The EL-
Link filter out this echo bytes, but this filtering slow the communication and not 100%. (The original SHARP link
software not filter out the echo.) The only resort for these problems the use of EL-Link cable, which include
electronic circuit (
If the problem cannot be solved in no way, try the EL-Link or other PC-link cable with another PC.
Have your cable checked at the local SHARP service or send it to the Babos Software: Hungary H-1239 Budapest,
Szikes utca 2. We will replace even the correct cables. If you don’t use EL-Link cable, replace it with the special EL-
Link cable.
Try performing things above before visiting or calling us, for 9 of 10 people comes to us unnecessarily. Their cables
and PCs are correct, only the operating system settings cause problems.
If you have any question, you can send E-Mail message in English to the address. You
can send SMS message in English for the program author, whose phone number is (+36) 30 358 6303.
Advice can be requested here vocally in Hungarian language too. Web:
The system developer and manufacturer Zoltán Babos wishes successful utilisation of the
Copyright © 1992-2003 by Babos, Zoltán. All Rights Reserved.
Trademarks in the software, user’s guide, carton:
SHARP is a registered trademark of SHARP COMPUTER CO., LTD. Japan,
MS-DOS, MS-Windows, MS-Write, MS-Word, MS-Excel, MS-Outlook, MS-Schedule+ is a registered trademark of
Microsoft Corp. USA.