User`s guide

Data exchange with other programs, by keeping the accentuated characters of the code tables CWI, 852
and Windows ANSI. (Excel
, Word
, Outlook
, Outl. Express
, Lotus Organizer
Support for all the registers, i.e. modes of the Unit model:
Telephone, E-Mail, URL, Memo, Calendar,
Schedule, Anniversary, To do, Expense, Calculator
Text search and replace functions.
Filter function with, combined filtering criteria (e.g. listing all the people named John and living in
Sorting data by several criteria.
Selecting data items and performing operations with selected items. (delete, copy, move, print, send to
, export in file to other applications, ...etc.)
Copy from one register into another (e.g. Tel 1
Tel 2).
These functions add extra data arranging functions to the features of the SHARP
Data Save and Retrieving (hard and floppy disks)
Database files can be stored on hard disk, floppy disk, or other writable drive, or work in network
environment (e.g. Novell).
The structure of the file is database where 200.000 pcs data items can be stored in.
This is a multiuser database that means several users can access the database at the same time. The same
data can be read or written simultaneously using several PCs and EL-Links in network environment.
The modifyed data items are immediately being written into the database so you don’t need to save at
the end of the work or load at the beginning. Opening or closing takes zero time.
Database can be protected with password, preventing from unauthorized users.
Exporting to and Importing from Excel, Dbase, Foxpro, Access, Text, CSV, Tab, and other delimited
DOS and Windows files by the aid of CWI, 852, Windows Ansi code tables.
Data exchange between EL-Link <=> Windows Write®, Word®, Excel®, Access®, Lotus Organizer®,
Outlook®, Schedule+®, Outlook Express® ..etc.
Loading documents and descriptions by splitting them to the size of the SHARP
data unit.
Printing in 8 different and variable base format:
Detailed list: in SHARP style, full print from first character of the data item to last.
Quick list: one data item printed in only one row (as far as there is room).
Table: one data item printed in only one row, and the fields in columns.
Label: one data item printed to defined size label, with custom field placing.
Phone list: The name, employer, and phone number fields (if exists) printed in table format.
Calendar: traditional calendar printing with marked days and marks of scheduled items.
Date diary: schedule, reminder, todo, expense of one defined period printed.
Expense list: creating expense report of one defined period (if exists expense register).
Hardware requirements, operating systems
The program runs in PC with 486DX2 or any faster processor, but above 100 MHz (chiefly to PCSync) is
recommended. The memory requirement is 4 MB, and hard disk capacity needed is 20 MB.
Runs under Windows 3.1, 3.11, 95, 98, 2000, NT, MN, XP.
The program can be used in Novell or other networks.
The EL-Link can be used with
serial data communication cable.
The 2.5
Jack plug cable be needed to the new SHARP
EL-..., ZQ-... type units. This cable can be included the
electronic circuit. This electronic circuit convert the level of signal from one unit to another, because the
signal level of the EL, ZQ units smaller than of PC (3V<12V) and because of this the communication not
work in all PC without electronic circuit. The 2.5 EL-Link cable include the electronic circuit, but the
original SHARP cable not include.