
How to use the Add-on
How to use the
Add-on software programs add functionality to yourAdd-on software programs add functionality to your
Add-on software programs add functionality to yourAdd-on software programs add functionality to your
Add-on software programs add functionality to your
Organizer. They are specially designed for your Organizer,Organizer. They are specially designed for your Organizer,
Organizer. They are specially designed for your Organizer,Organizer. They are specially designed for your Organizer,
Organizer. They are specially designed for your Organizer,
named My Programs.named My Programs.
named My Programs.named My Programs.
named My Programs.
Once installed, you can access and run theseOnce installed, you can access and run these
Once installed, you can access and run theseOnce installed, you can access and run these
Once installed, you can access and run these
programs from the My Programs screen. Tprograms from the My Programs screen. T
programs from the My Programs screen. Tprograms from the My Programs screen. T
programs from the My Programs screen. T
o displayo display
o displayo display
o display
the My Programs screen, press the My Programs screen, press
the My Programs screen, press the My Programs screen, press
the My Programs screen, press
ou cannot run PC software on your Organizerou cannot run PC software on your Organizer
ou cannot run PC software on your Organizerou cannot run PC software on your Organizer
ou cannot run PC software on your Organizer
Using the AUsing the A
Using the AUsing the A
Using the A
UTORUN feature, you can run an add-onUTORUN feature, you can run an add-on
UTORUN feature, you can run an add-onUTORUN feature, you can run an add-on
UTORUN feature, you can run an add-on
program when the Organizer is turned on.program when the Organizer is turned on.
program when the Organizer is turned on.program when the Organizer is turned on.
program when the Organizer is turned on.
Installing My Programs application
Additional software for your Organizer can be found on the
included Software CD-ROM, as well as on the internet (SHARPs
1. Connect Docking Module to Organizer and PC.
2. Insert the included CD. If using Windows 95 / 98 or
Windows NT the CD should start automatically. If not,
double click the My computer icon on your PC, click your
CD-ROM drive then navigate to Customize folder.
3. Click the [Customize] button and double click the file you
want to install.
4. Follow the on-screen instructions.
Using the program
1. Press to view list of installed programs.
2. Launch the application by pressing the - key that
corresponds to the application.
Deleting a selected My program
1. Press to view list of installed programs.
2. Use and key to select the application to remove.
3. Press to open the application menu.
5. Press
to confirm (or to abort).
The selected program is deleted from My Programs application.