
Desk Accessories
The following table shows the conversion factors that are preset
in your Organizer.
Currencies User-Specified User-Specified
Length inch-cm 2.54
feet-m 0.3048
yard-m 0.9144
mile-km 1.609344
Area acre-m
acre-ha 0.404686
Volume gal-l 3.78541
I.gal-l 4.54609
fl.oz-ml 29.5735
I.fl.oz-ml 28.4131
Mass oz-g 28.3495
lb-kg 0.45359237
Temperature F-C 5/9(F-32)
Energy cal-J 4.18605
hp-W 745.7
PS-W 735.5
The Clock Application
The unitís built-in clock makes it possible not only to know the
correct time and date in your area, but also to know the time in
other cities or any region around the world. The Clock is used
as the reference time by the Calendar, Schedule, and To Do
applications. In addition to these features, daylight saving time
(DST) can be enabled for any city you designate, and for those
countries that use an annual Daylight Saving Time adjustment.
As an aid to international business and travel, the Organizer is
set to display the time in any other city you choose (called the
World City) as well as your own city (the Local city).
To view the Clock, press
twice to enter the Second Main
Menu and select Clock, then press
Changing the Local city
The Local city is the city selected to provide the local time.
When you first use your Organizer, the default Local city is set
as New York. To change this setting:
Press to open the Clock menu.
Select CHANGE LOCAL CITY, then press .