Use & Care Guide

General Stain Removal Instructions
Remove as much of food spills as possible by
scraping gently with a spoon or dull knife.
Absorb wet spills as quickly as possible by blotting
repeatedly with white paper or cloth towels.
Always blot; never rub or scrub abrasively, as a
fuzzy area may result. When blotting, work from
the outer edge in toward the center of the spot to
avoid spreading the spill.
Remove remaining moisture by placing several
layers of white towels over the spot and weigh
them down with a heavy object that will not
transfer color, such as a plastic jug of water.
Protecting your investment is up to you…
Like other ne furnishings, carpet requires proper care, and you
should reference your residential warranty for specic care require-
ments. There are also a few simple steps you can take to insure the
lasting beauty of your new carpet:
Keep the dirt/soil out. Use walk-off mats at entrances and other
areas to keep outside dirt and moisture from being tracked
onto the carpet. Clean mats frequently. Keep your sidewalks and
entrances free of excessive dirt.
The best way to reduce dirt accumulation and prolong the life
of your carpet is to vacuum, vacuum, vacuum! Most dirt, even
dust, is in the form of hard particles. When left in the carpet,
these gritty, sharp particles abrade the pile as effectively as sand-
paper. How frequently should you vacuum? That depends on the
amount of foot trafc and household soil to which your carpet
is exposed. More use means more frequent vacuuming. Shaw
recommends a vacuum cleaner with a rotating brush or “brush/
beater bar” to agitate the pile and mechanically loosen soil
particles. The exception to this is for shag styled products with
longer yarns which might tend to wrap around a rotating brush.
For these styles we recommend a suction-only vacuum.
Also, be aware that some vacuums have overly
aggressive action which may damage the surface
of your carpet. An inexpensive, less efcient vacuum
can remove surface dirt but will not effectively remove
the hidden particles embedded in the pile.
For your vacuum to conform to the highest industry standards,
make sure that it is certied through the Carpet and Rug
Institute (CRI) Seal of Approval/ Green Label Vacuum Cleaner
Program. Visit for details and listings.
Prompt attention to spots and spills is essential. Some spilled
materials will stain or discolor carpet if not removed promptly.
Other spills can leave a sticky residue that may result in
increased soiling if not removed.
Vacuum Frequently
No carpet is stain proof, although many are
stain resistant, which allows time for removal.
Always follow up with water to remove detergent
residue that may become sticky and cause rapid
Preventive Maintenance
Spots & Spills