Instructions / Assembly

General Information
The Shelter EPA-Approved Furnace has been engineered to accommodate the heating requirements of the average sized home, even
during winters coldest months, with a heat output range up to 140,000 BTUs. It is constructed with high grade, heavy gauge steel and
is continuously welded to assure the highest structural strength. In addition, the rebox is lined with insulated stainless steel panels to
ensure many years of energy efcient service. The design of the secondary combustion chamber increases fuel efciency by creating a
“secondary burn” of smoke and wood gases before they are vented up the chimney. The cast iron doors are custom tted to provide an
airtight seal, greatly extending the burn time and ensuring maximum efciency in fuel consumption. The heavy-gauge cast iron grate,
designed for maximum heat transfer, allows for convenient ash removal and reduced maintenance.
For total comfort and convenience, a thermostatically controlled draft and circulation blower system is included. These fully automatic
components furnish rapid heat disbursement throughout your home, minimizing recovery time when the wall thermostat demands heat.
All of these features are standard, offering you the most efcient, durable and affordable indoor wood burning furnace.
Efciency was determined using the higher heating value of the fuel per B415.1-10 testing requirements. Dry seasoned wood will develop
greater BTU output. A well-insulated dwelling will always lead to better results and overall improved fuel usage efciency.
Your Shelter Furnace is designed to be either a supplemental or central heating source for your home. This wood burning furnace may
be installed in parallel with a properly operating electric, gas or oil-red central furnace, listed or certied in accordance with a nationally
recognized safety standard, and within clearances specied on the nameplate. When in a parallel installation the static pressure of the
central furnace plenum may not exceed 0.15 water column inches and the maximum setting on central furnace limit switch is 182°F. With
the Shelter Furnace in an “Interconnection Arrangement” your furnace should be upstream of the central furnace. The Shelter Furnace
warm air supply should never be connected to return air for the central furnace. A qualied installer should perform the installation.
This wood heater needs periodic inspection and repair for proper operation. It is against federal regulations to operate this wood heater in
a manner inconsistent with operating instructions in this manual.
REPLACEMENT PARTS), CALL 1-800-875-4788.
Forced Hot Air Circulation:
The plenum size of your Shelter Furnace must not be reduced to less than 100 square inches, and must provide a minimum of 18 inches
between the top of your Shelter Furnace and the main trunk connection. The plenum attached to the furnace must be constructed of
metal. The warm air supply duct system should be constructed of materials with a minimum temperature rating of 250° Fahrenheit.
Unit must be placed on a non-combustible oor. This oor must extend at least 16 inches in front, 8 inches on either side of fuel loading
and ash removal doors, underneath the chimney connector and must extend 2 inches on either side of the chimney connector. The
furnace must maintain the following clearances to combustibles:
• Heat plenum = 2 inches
• Chimney connector = 18 inches
• Front = 48 inches
• Rear = 12 inches
• Sides = 6 inches
• Main furnace = 12 inches
These are minimum clearances and should be strictly followed. In the case of a power outage, a dangerous level of heat accumulation
may develop. Do not store fuel or other combustible materials within installation clearances.