Instructions / Assembly

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Cover Tensioning Visit for installation Video
Find the ropes coming out of the 4 corners of cover with the big loops with yellow……label
You will see 2 red….. labels on the rope before the big loop Detail 20 & 24
Hook the cover rope that has the 2 red …... labels in the same eye hook that you used for the door on the outside of the shelter
Detail 20
After hooking to rope to the eye hook with red ….. label , bring the rope under the door Detail 23
Hook the big loop with the yellow…... label on the same S hook the door is hooked on.
Both door rope and covers rope will be on the same S hook Detail 21
Before pulling the cover tight
Even the cover on all 4 sides
Make sure the side pocket for the cross rails that run front to back on the inside of the shelter are equal to the ground
Take the end of the rope with the green ….. label and ball and pull up to make the big loop with the yellow …. label smaller. This will tighten
the cover to the frame. Details 19
Lightly and temporarily tie off rope with a knot.
Walk around the shelter to make sure the cover and door are even
Do a final tightening of the cover to the frame. Firmly pull up so the rope is tight and tie off the rope around the main rope with a few knots
Details 19
After the cover is tightened on the 4 corners with the ropes.
Push and slide the bottom clamps down that are connected to the side cross rails to snug the sides of the cover to the frame.
Tighten the bolts of the cross rail clamps.