User's Manual

3.7.2 Port Range
You want to share resources on your PC with your friends who are not in your LAN. But, by default,
the router's firewall blocks inbound traffic from the Internet to your computers except replies to
your outbound traffic. You can use the Port Forwarding feature to create exceptions to this rule so
that your friends can access these files from external networks.
When accessing your PC from Internet, type "protocol:// number" into your
browser’s address or location field. The protocol and port are the ones used by the service and
"" is the WAN IP address of your router. For example, a FTP server uses the ftp
protocol and 21 (standard port number).
Set Steps
Click Expert Settings.
Select Port Range.
Application Example:
As shown in the figure above, your PC at connects to the router and runs a FTP
server on port number 21. Your friends want to access this FTP server on your PC from external
To successfully implement the port forwarding feature, note below:
1. Make sure your WAN IP address (Internet IP address) is a public IP address. Private IP
addresses are not routed on the Internet.
2. Make sure you enter correct service port numbers.
3. To ensure that your server computer always has the same IP address, assign a static IP
address to your PC.
4. Operating System built-in firewall and some anti-virus programs may block other PCs from
accessing resources on your PC. So it is advisable to disable them before using this feature.