Product Card

pressing it, when you need emergency help, long pressing the SOS
button for about 5 seconds and call for help.
Note: When you need an emergency help, the phone will make a speed dial for help. We
recommend you to turn it on by default, do not turn it off
3. SOS numbers
You can add 5 emergency contacts.
a): Options > Manual edit You can input the contact number
manually and pressOKto save.
b): Options > Add from contacts You can add an emergency contact
through Contacts. When the cursor is selected, press OK to save.
c): Deleted When you move the cursor to the corresponding
emergency contact, you can delete the contact and replace
4. Emergency SMS active
Emergency help SMS switch. When you press the SOS button, the phone
will send emergency help messages to your 5 emergency contacts
prompting that you are in danger and needing help currently.
Note: This function is enabled by default. We recommend you turn it on by default. Do not
turn it off
5. Emergency SMS
In this function, you can edit your own SOS Message, and then press OK
to save. Please ensure that there is emergency help in the message to
ensure that you can get the emergency contacts' response in time,
avoid the information content is not clear and miss the rescue time
6.Emergency alert
Emergency alert. When you press the SOS help button, the alarm will