User's Manual

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6.1 Login Password Modification
You can now view your camera live, but this is only on your local network, so you can now refine and customize
the settings of the camera. To continue with camera customization, access your camera’s Settings page by clicking
on the “Settings” word from your Live View, or click on the word “Settings” from the Camera Homepage.
Please note: If you are installing the camera for the first time or after a reset to factory defaults, you are advised
to change the cameras default password as per the message displayed.Changing the cameras default password is
highly recommended to stop unauthorized access to your camera.
Click the link displayed to access the Administrator Password editing page.
The Administrator username is always admin” in lowercase. Choose a password that is memorable only to you –
avoid passwords that are easy to guess, such as “password” “admin” “123456” or your personal details.
Please note: Keep this password safe. The only way to recover from a lost password is
to reset the camera back to its default settings, and this will wipe all other settings
Once you have typed your password twice, click Save. The system will then ask you to login again. You should then
see the following screen: