User Manual

Table Of Contents
Pairing & Connecting
- Your source device needs to be within 30 unobstructed feet of the OontZ Angle 3 Plus
- Make sure your OontZ Angle 3 Plus battery has a sufficient charge
Turn ON your OontZ Angle 3 Plus
The Blue light will turn on
Flashing Blue the OontZ Angle 3 Plus is ready to pair and connect
Solid Blue the OontZ Angle 3 Plus has automatically reconnected to the last source
device the speaker was connected to and is ready to play. Note: The OontZ Angle 3 Plus
will automatically try to connect to the last source device it was connected to each time it is
turned on and that source device is within range.
The OontZ Angle 3 Plus can be connected to one source device at a time.
To pair and connect to a different source device, you need to first disconnect the
currently paired source device. To disconnect it, press and hold down the Bluetooth button for 2 seconds.
The blue light will begin flashing and the OontZ Angle 3 Plus is ready to pair and connect.
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