User's Manual

VENDYS II Graphic User Interface
Login Page
1. Login: press the “green icon” in the middle of the screen, toinput
username and password, you will then enter into the system
successfully. If the icon indicates “Logout”, someone is already
logged in. Simply press the icon to log them out, then press again to
2. Video Gallery: Several tutorial videos are included behind this button,
which will give a better understanding about thetest.
3. Tutorial: User guide and VENDYS II Web Page information will be
provided in this section
4. Contact Us: Click here to find the customer support contact and
company information.
5. Next Step: Use “Next Step”, only if you are already logged into the
system (green button indicates “Logout”).
1. After clicking on the green “Login” button in the middle of the login page, it
will lead you to the following login page. There are three options for the
customer to choose.
a. Superadmin: this is for the Endothelix technical support
b. Admin: this is for the administrator of local clinic, the operators can be
added via this account