User's Manual

Table Of Contents
6.16.3 Blind area alarm
This feature is deactivated by default, tracker will send SMS notificationNo
gps+latitude & longtitude of the last know position.” to authorized numbers if lost
fix to GPS satellites.
SMS command to activate: gpssignal +password+space+on
Tracker response: gpssignal on ok
Example: gpssignal123456 on
SMS command to deactivate: gpssignal +password+space+off
Tracker response: gpssignal off ok
Example: gpssignal123456 off
6.16.4 SOS alarm
Press SOS button for 3 seconds (For model B, press key on the remote
control), tracker will send SMS notification Help me+latitude & longtitude”, to
all the authorized numbers at 3 minutes interval.
SMS command to disable the notification: help me
Tracker response: help ok
Example: help me
6.16.5 Geo-fence
The Geo-fence feature creates a virtual fence. When the tracker moves out of this
virtual fence, SMS notification “stockade!+latitude & longtitudewill be sent to the
authorized numbers.
SMS command to activate: stockade+password+space+latitude, longitude;
latitude, longtitude
Tracker response: stockade ok!
Example: stockade123456 22.554459, 113.903981; 22.553002, 113.909378
SMS command to deactivate: nostockade+password
Example: nostockade123456