User's Manual

Table Of Contents
password on App or refers to section 6.1. Configure user name and password
In the most countries, the user name and password of GPRS are not
necessary; therefore, you can ignore this step if it is not necessary for
your local network. For those countries requiring user name and
password, please configure as following:
SMS command: up+password+space+user+space+password
Tracker response: user, password ok!
Example: up123456 Jonnes 666666
Note: 123456 means the password of the device, Jonnes means the
user name of gprs, and 666666 means password of gprs, please
configure it according to the user name and password of your local
ones, you can check this information with your local wireless carrier.
6.27.2 Configure domain name and port
Tracker connects to by default. If you need to connect to
another domain name, please configure it.
SMS command: dns+password+space+DNS domain name+space+port
Tracker response: dns success!
Example 1: dns123456 9000
Example 2: dns123456 8090
Note: 123456 is trackers password, is the DNS, 9000 is
If you want to configure IP instead of DNS, then please send SMS command:
6.27.3 GPRS / SMS mode switch
The GPRS mode is the default one, if you need to switch, pls refers to the
following instructions.