User's Manual

6.15 Data logging
6.15.1 Auto loggingWhen the tracker device lost GSM signals or GPRS disconnected,
tracker will log the tracking position and alerts automatically on the basis of the pre-set
condition, when GSM signals get back, all the data will be auto-sent to the authorized
numbers or web platform (server).
6.15.2 Logging upon times: Send SMS: “save030s005n+password” to the tracker unit, it
will reply “save ok”, and will log the Latitude and longitude locations every 30 seconds
for 5 times. (S: second, m: minute; h: hour).
6.15.3 Multi-loggingSend SMS:”save030s***n+password” to tracker device, it will reply
“save ok”.
6.15.4 Cancel logging: Send SMS “nosave+password”, e.g. nosave123456
6.15.5 Logging Clearance: send SMS: “clear+password” to tracker device, it will reply
“clear ok”.
6.15.6 Logging Volume: 1.7G internal memory.
6.15.7 Note: It won’t save in GPRS mode if configured auto track intervals because it will
track according to the intervals in real time, data will be saved in other situation, and the
saved data will be sent to server automatically when GPRS back.
6.16 Data Load
The positions during the time of GSM signal lost will be sent to server automatically
when GSM signals recover.
6.17 Forward the third parties’ message
6.17.1 Send SMS "forward+password+space+third parties phone number" from authorized
phone number, tracker will reply"forward ok", and supports 1 third parties phone
numbers at most.
For example, set the phone number of the service provider of the SIM card in the tracker,
when charge remind message coming in, tracker will forward it to authorized phone
6.17.2 Cancel: Send SMS command "noforward+password".
6.18 SIM card Balance Inquiry
6.18.1 Send SMS command "balance+password+space+carriers phone
number+space+code" to tracker, it will forward the code to carriers phone number and
return the balance message received from carrier’s phone number.