User's Manual

Notes: In dispatch mode, you have to input at least 3 digits then press # to send it
5.2 Edit Function
5.2.1 Pager Registration
信息机登记如图 5.6 所示,传呼号为信息机编号, 0~199 之间,
8~2097152 之间,如果选择地址码自加 1,则在添加上一个信息机后
个信息机的功能与名称。Pager list as picture 5.6, No. is the pager No.,
which ranges from 0~199, ID code is the pager ID, which should be the
same as the one in the pager; pager address ranges from 8~2097152. If
you choose automatically added one, then after you add one pager ID, it
will automatically add one. The remarks part is optional, which is for
the user to know each pagers function and name.