Product Specs

nRF24L01 Single Chip 2.4 GHz Radio Transceiver
Nordic Semiconductor ASA - Vestre Rosten 81, N-7075 Tiller, Norway - Phone +4772898900 - Fax +4772898989
Page 30 of 38
Revision: 1.1
November 2005
Input crystal amplitude & Current consumption
The input signal should not have amplitudes exceeding any rail voltage, but any DC-
voltage within this is OK. Exceeding rail voltage will excite the ESD structure and the
radio performance is degraded below specification. If testing the nRF24L01 with a RF
source with no DC offset as the reference source, the input signal will go below the
ground level, which is not acceptable.
Figure 12 Principle of crystal oscillator
The nRF24L01 crystal oscillator is amplitude regulated. To achieve low current
consumption and also good signal-to-noise ratio when using an external clock, it is
recommended to use an input signal larger than 0.4 V-peak. When clocked externally,
XC2 is not used and can be left as an open pin.