Getting Started Guide

1On the Road
Using a device while driving is illegal in many countries. Please refrain from using yourmobile
while driving.
2Near Sensitive Electronics or Medical Equipment
Don’t use your device near sensitive electronic equipment particularly medical devices
such as pacemakers as it could cause them to malfunction. It can also interfere with the
operationof fire detectors and other automatic-control equipment.
3While Flying
Your device can cause interference with aircraft equipment. So it’s essential you follow
airline regulations. And if airline personnel ask you to switch off your device, or disable its
wireless functions, please do as they say.
4At a Petrol Station
Don’t use your device at petrol stations. In fact, it’s always best to switch off whenever
you’re nearfuels, chemicals or explosives.
5Making Repairs
Never take your device apart. Please leave that to the professionals. Unauthorised repairs
could break the terms of your warranty. Don’t use your device if the antenna is damaged, as
it could cause injury.
6Around Children