User's Manual

Making a Call through Redial or Backdial List
1. In the home screen, press the or key to access
the Redial or Backdial List.
2. Use the Up/Down key to select the private call contact
you want to call.
3. Press the or PTT key to make the private call.
When a private call is received, the alert tone is given.
Receiving a Private Call
Note: Ring tones will be available if FOACSU is checked
in the system for the base station with which your radio
The first text line displays the caller alias or ID.
Voice Communication
Conversation Limit
When a private call is established, both the calling party and
the called party will display the call duration in real time.
At the Called Party
The called party displays the actual communication time.
MPT Trunking Functions and Operations
Note: The private call cannot be made if the radio has not
After a private call is established, either the calling party or
the called party can make a voice call only if the PTT key is
free with both parties staying on the PTT admit screen
(Appearing after a call is established and remaining until the
call is terminated).
At the Calling Party
A countdown timer is displayed to the calling party to
show the remaining time for a call. The time period is
programmed by your dealer. The private call will be
terminated automatically when the preset time expires.