Assembly Instructions

The signal booster will only work with the correct frequency, so please make
sure yourphonesignal iswiththesamefrequency asthesignalbooster.
This cell phone signal booster will only make a weak signal stronger, it can' t
create a si gnal. That means it won't work if the outdoor antenna can't receive
any signal.
The outdoor antenna should receive 2-3 bars of s table signal in the location
where the outdoor antenna is fixed; otherwise, the booster won't work very
4.Must connect the antennas first, and then switch on the power; otherwise,
may damage therepeater.
Determine the best location where the highest signal strength is received on
your phone (most amount of bars ). Once you ascertain the best location, the n
permanently mount the outdoor antenna. Keep the distance between the
outdoor antenna and indoor antenna more than 39ftand make sure that there is
a prope r physical separation between the outdoor antenna and indoor antenna.
The above thingsareofcriticalimportancetotheboosters'normalworking.
Reason 1
: There are loose or w rong connections
in the repeater system .
Checkthattheconnectionsbetw een
thediffe rentpar tsofthe
system are hooked up correctly andtightly.
Reason 2:
The signals of other operato rs nearby
received by outdoor antenna
than the needed signals).
Solution 1
: Ch ange the direction of outdoor antenna
or its installation position,
so that the gap of signal strength is reduced between
Solution 2:
Use barriers ( like buildings ) to block
signals of other operators.