User's Manual

information. If the connection alert tone has been
set, your phone will ring the alert tone (network
To end a call, press the Hang Up key.
Zone code Phone number Dial key
2.4.8 Making an international call
To make an international call, hold down the
0 key on the Dialing screen until the international
prefix "+” for appears. This allows you to dial an
international number without knowing its
international fix (e.g. 00 for China).
Following the entry of international prefix,
enter the country code and complete phone
number. For the country codes, follow the general
conventions, for example, 49 for Germany, 44 for
UK, and 46 for Sweden.
Like making an international call via a fixed
telephone, omit the “0” at the head of a city code.
For example, to call our hotline from another
country, you can dial:
+86 21 114
+ Country code Complete phone
number Dial key
2.4.9 Making a call from the list
All calls dialed and received are stored within