User's Manual

Table Of Contents
3.2.11 Changing Earpiece Volume during Call
It is possible to change earpiece volume during a call using KEY_UP/CLIP and KEY_DOWN/CLIP.
The earpiece volume will be displayed as “EARVOL n” (1<=n<=5) during 8 s unless a key digit
(KEY_0 to 9 + KEY_HASH + KEY_STAR) is pressed.
3.3 Incoming SMS
Incoming alert phase:
The incoming SMS indication will first check to see if message memory is available:
If the message memory is full, then the SMS call is not taken.
o The SMS icon blinks (0.5 s ON/OFF)
o An error beep will be given
If the message can be accepted
o If a SMS is directed to a particular sub-address, the SMS will only be displayed on the
HS associated with that sub-address, and shown as part of the “PERSONAL SMS”
mailbox for that handset, otherwise, it will be displayed on all HS, shown as the
o The display shows "x NEW MSG" and SMS icon appears.
o The number of new messages indicated to the user will be the total number of unread
messages available, both private, shown in “PERSONAL SMS” and public, shown as
“INBOX” and relevant to that HS.
o An audible message alert will be given if the user setting is enabled.
o The Base LED will flash.
o Note that all symbol characters require to be translated to ‘-‘ on incoming text
o Note that all characters require to be translated to upper case
If the new messages are ‘private’ only, the user will drop into the ‘PERSONAL SMS’ mailbox.
If the new messages are ‘public’ only, the user will drop into the ‘INBOX’ mailbox.
If the new messages are both ‘private’ and public’ the user will be given the option of which
mailbox they wish to access, by presenting the option of selecting “PERSONAL SMS” and
scroll down to select “INBOX
3.3.1 To read the message:
The senders number will be displayed
The message will be displayed
Scroll up and down to view complete message
Press KEY_OK. To display further menu options
On incoming SMS meesage, support display of # & * characters.
3.4 Direct access memory
The product has two locations of direct access memory dial number, DDK1 and DDK2, as described in
section Error! Reference source not found.. The number is pre-programmed to the EEPROM and
user cannot change it. The maximum digits for each location are 16 digits and there is no name for this
direct access dial number.
3.4.1 How to access the direct memory dial number during idle
User press and hold the KEY_1 or KEY_2 for more than 1.5 second (Long press),
then the unit
display pre-programmed number on the LCD and dial it out.
KEY_1 for location number 1 and KEY_2
for location number 2.
3.4.2 During OFF HOOK
When the unit is on OFF HOOK mode, it is only allowed to access direct access memory number
when the first key in is long press for KEY_1 or KEY_2.
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