User's Manual

Table Of Contents
# 2: After press KEY_Menu/OK, then the unit start to play with following order.
11. “You have XX messages”. (XX=number of messages, if no message, then “You have
no messages”)
12. “Message 1”
13. Day announcement
14. Time announcement
15. Start to play message
r finish all message play back, then “End of message”, “To delete all messages,
press delete”
ond step.
19. If press KEY_Clr, the unit shall announce “All messages deleted” and then return to
ation during count down, after finish count down, then go to idle with
KEY_Menu/OK, then the unit announce “Please speak after the tone, to end
ss #”. During recoding, the LCD shall flash “RECORDING”. After press #, the
unit shall return to idle.
there is no user recorded outgoing message, the default
unit shall return to idle with S_beep.
ase speak after the tone, to end
re rd ing, the LCD shall flash “RECORDING”. After press #, the
un sh oing message. After play back, the unit shall return to
id i
g message shall be deleted. And start to
age. If there is no recorded outgoing message, it will not delete
are two sub menu for
New messages play
u shall b s pla ess KEY chang
es play”. The LCD display shall be as follows.
NEW MSG: XX (XX=Total numbe new messages)
ALL MSG: XX (XX= Total numbe essages)
lect menu and pres EY_Menu/OK to start playback the messages. During messa ying, the
D shall indicate the current playback mes mber such as SG 1, MSG 2 ---.
ring message play, it is possible to skip forward or skip backwa by pressing KEY_1/3/4/6.
current message will be replay if pressing KEY_1 or KEY_4 d ng message play. If pressing
_1 or KEY_4 twice within one second, play will skip back to the start of previous me age during
essage play. Pressing KEY_3 or KEY_6 to skip to next message playing. The messages will be
KEY_Clr during playing message. Confirmation that the message has been
d it announcing, "Message deleted" and skipping forward to play the next
messag sequence. Messages are marked for deletion at this stage but are
only t
16. During playing message, the LCD shall indicate “MSG X” (X=message n
17. Afte
18. There will be 8 seconds waiting period for message deletion. And LCD shall indic
from 8 to 0 count down by one sec
20. If no oper
# 3: After press
recording pre
# 4: Play the outgoing message. If
message shall be played. After play back, the
# 5: fte /OK, then the unit announce “Ple A r press KEY_Menu
co ing press #”. During recod
rded outgit all play back the reco
le w th S_beep.
/OK, the recorded outgoin# 6: After press KEY_Menu
play default outgoing mess
the message and just play the default outgoing message. After play, the unit shall return to
idle with S_beep.
Select “MSG PLAY” from the main menu and press KEY_Menu/OK. There
essage play. m
All messages play
t menThe firs
e “New message y” and then pr _UP/DOWN to e to “All
r of
r of m
Se s K ge pla
LC sage nu M
Du rd
selectively deleted if press
delete will be by the un
e, or to the end of message
ac ually deleted after return to idle.
40 of 83