User's Manual

Table Of Contents
a message is marked for deletion, the unit skips to the start of the next message. If the
current message is the last message the unit shall continue as described below.
The message has deletion mark will be deleted when press the stop button or end of the 8
seconds decision period. There is no way to recover it.
5.5.5 End of message play
At the end of message play and messages remain which are NOT marked for deletion, the
unit announces “End of messages. To delete all messages, press delete”. The 7 segment
display counts down from “ 8” to “ 0” in one second steps (Category 2 only). During this
period pressing the DEL button marks all messages for deletion (unit announces “All
messages deleted”) but the countdown continues. If the user does not press DEL before
the counter reaches “0” only those messages previously marked for deletion shall be
deleted. Pressing STOP at any time during this 8-second period abandons the countdown.
The messages will be deleted which have marked for deletion.
The volume control keys will function during the 8-second wait period at the end of message
play but no beeps will be generated as the volume is adjusted.
At the end of the 8-second decision period the unit will generate one short beep (1S), any
messages not deleted by the user are automatically saved and indicated on the message
counter and the unit reverts to the previous answer mode.
If the PLAY button is pressed during the idle mode when there are no messages to be
played, the unit announces, "You have no messages" and reverts to the previous answer
5.5.6 Playing new messages
It shall be possible to play new messages only by short pressing the PLAY button. The unit
shall announce, “You have ‘n’ new messages” (or “You have no new messages” if this is the
case). Where there are new messages to play only
these will be played back and shall be
paused, skipped, deleted, etc. as above. As an example, if there are 5 messages of which the
last 2 are new, the unit will announce, “You have 2 new messages”
5.5.7 Setting is “No voice prompt”
If the unit is set to “No voice prompt”, the following function and announcements are not play
during playing message.
Time Day stamp
Message number announcement
Delete message instruction
“You have N (New) message” announcement
5.6 Remote interrogation.
The remote interrogation facilities, which shall be protected by the security code. During remote
interrogation from the line, the handset shall display “REMOTE” and only KEY_TALK is valid during
this mode to interrupt the remote interrogation.
5.6.1 With Voice prompt
Access to the remote interrogation feature shall be via a break-in instruction at any time
following the start of the outgoing message. The break-in code (DTMF *). A maximum of two
attempts at entering the correct security code shall be allowed in one call.
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