User's Manual

Table Of Contents
Detecting CPC signal duration is more than “X “ ms.
The CPC detection shall not enable for “Y” second after Tam has been on line.
X and Y are defined by EEPROM setting.
X= 0ms - 200ms (The setting shall be less than 2ms step or less)
Y= 100ms - 1000ms (The setting shall be less than 100mS step or less)
5.7.5 Silence detection
The product shall have silence detection for detecting the silence. If the unit detect silence for more
than “X” second during recording the messages, the unit shall release the line. The silence mean if the
signal level is below “Y” dB at in put of the device.
The signal frequency is more than 4Khz and less than 250Hz is not treat as voice signal. Therefore, if
there is signal that is more than 4Khz or less than 250hz, but the unit still need to detect silence if the
voice band signal level is less than “-Y” dB. According to this requirement, it shall have the following
LPF and HPF after the AGC. The filet parameter shall be as follows.
LPF ------ Fc (Corner frequency) ---- about 3.4Khz
Frequency response ------ more than 18dB OCT
HPF ------- Fc (Corner frequency) ------------ About 300 Hz
Frequency response ---------- more than 24 dB OCT
“X” and “Y” are defined by EEPROM setting.
X= 3 seconds - 10 second (1 second step or less)
Y= 0 dB - 40dB (1dB step or less)
(This value is relative value to reference AGC output level)
5.7.6 Tone detection
The product shall have tone detection for detecting the network tone. If the unit detect network tone for
more than “X” second during recording the messages, the unit shall release the line. The tone
detection parameters are as follows.
Detecting frequency is “Y” Hz to “Z” Hz
Tone detector shall detect continues tone and also ON/OFF tone such as busy tone
“X”, “Y” and “Z” are defined by EEPROM
X= 3 seconds - 10 second (1 second step or less)
Y= 300Hz - 500Hz (10Hz step or less)
Z= 500Hz - 750Hz (10Hz step or less)
5.7.7 DTMF detection
The product shall have DTMF signal detection for remote interrogation. The detection parameters are
as follows.
The duration of valid DTMF signal ---------- 50 ms
The duration of valid inter digit pause ------ 50 ms
Maximum twist level for detection ------------ +/- 10dB
DTMF detection sensitivity is as follows
- If the level is more than “X” dB then it shall be detected
- If the level is less than “X” -10dB then it shall not be detected
“X” is defined by EEPROM setting
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