User's Manual

Table Of Contents
6 Prefix dialling
There are two data for prefix dialing. One is Detect string and other is Replace string. If user enter the
number and first several string match with the pre-programmed string data, then the string will be
replaced by pre-programmed Replace string data. This function can be enabled or disabled by
EEPROM setting. Prefix dial feature should default to disabled.
6.1 Detect string
The pre-programed detect string is 5 digits inside the EEPROM. The data is 1 to 0 and F (F is for
blank) If the Detect string need to be 003 then the data shall be F,F,0,0,3
6.2 Replace string
The pre-programed replace string is maxmum 10 digits inside the EEPROM. The data is 1 to 0
6.3 Detecting and replacment
The prefix dialing is only working when the dialing is prepared dialing which mean enter the dial
number during idle mode and then OFF HOOK. The prduct will check the first few digis (maximum 5
digits depended on Detect string data) and if match with detect string, then replace the detected string
to the replace string. If the detect string is all F, there will be no matching and add the replace string to
the dialed number except the dialed number starting from not 1 to 0.
EX 1
Detect string : FFF00
Replace string : 1234567
Dialing number : 00567456
The product will dial ---- 1234567-567456
EX 2
Detect string : FFFFF
Replace string : 1234567
Dialing number : 00567456
The product will dial ---- 1234567-00567456
EX 3
Detect string : FFFFF
Replace string : 1234567
Dialing number : 13567456
The product will dial ---- 1234567-13567456
EX 4
Detect string : FFFFF
Replace string : 1234567
Dialing number : #13567456
The product will dial ---- #13567456
EX 5
Detect string : FFFF0
Replace string : 1234567
Dialing number : 00567456
The product will dial ---- 1234567-0567456
EX 6
Detect string : FFFF0
Replace string : 1234567
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