Operation Manual

c: 蓝灯熄灭,表示基站电池没电,不能正常工作。
c: Blue light off: indicates that the base station battery has no power and fails to work.
Equipment status indicator (Only works for the main base station, namely No.0 base station):
a: 红灯快闪,没有设备连接上基站;
a: Red light quick flashing: No equipment is connected to the base station;
b: 红灯慢闪,基站设备硬件异常;
b: Red light slow flashing: The base station hardware is malfunctioning;
c: 红灯常亮,设备已经成功连上基站
c: Red light solid on: The equipment has been successfully connected to the base station.
※基站供电正常后,需要等待大约 1 分钟使基站稳定后再进行连接。连接过程中如果出现无法连接
When the power supply is normal, wait for about 1 minute until the base station becomes stable before
connection. If the connection fails, try to restart the main base station.
※红色设备状态灯只对 0 主基站有效。123 号基站红色灯快闪属正常状态。
The red equipment status indicator is only valid for No.0 base station. It is normal if indicators of No.1,
2, and 3 base stations flash red quickly.
How to connect base station
The mobile terminal connected to the base station :
Range extender connection.
How to place base stations:
每台基站都会有一个固定的编号。如下图所示,按照顺时针方向,尽量摆成矩形,推荐边长在 2.5 米到
25 米之间,基站的安装高度建议在 1.5 米。
Each station has one fixed number. Place base stations into a rectangle shape clockwise as much as possible.
The recommended length of side is 2.5m-20m. Recommended installation height of base stations is 1.5m.