User's Manual

- inputting and editing SMS;
- inputting and editing names in phone book.
- looking for the name of telephone number.
- self defining welcome notes and name of phone owner.
- recording names in tool box.
4.1 Keypad Definitions
Common keypad definitions are as follows. Please refer to section 4.2 input method instruction for detailed keypad
definitions at input method status.
Left soft key usually indicates confirmation while right soft key usually denotes deleting one character.
# key: you can switch among different input method through this key.
* key: symbol input can be called out by this key.
Numeric keys (1-9) represent the pinyin letter on them at Pinyin input state, while they represent the letters on them at
English input method.
4.2 Input Method Instruction
4.2.1 Smart Pinyin Input Method
The detailed definitions of the keypad at Smart Pinyin Input Method are:
Key Corresponding letter or function Instruction
Numerical key 2 abc
Numerical key 3 def
Numerical key 4 ghi
Numerical key 5 jkl
Numerical key 6 mno
Numerical key 7 pqrs
Numerical key 8 tuv
Numerical key 9 wxyz
Pinyin Symbols
* key Used to call out symbols.
# key Used to switch input methods.
Used to page up the screen or select
Up arrow key
Down arrow key
Used to page down the screen or select
Left arrow key Used to roll left or select Pinyin.