User's Manual

Sharp 340/380 user manual
TiggerStart: Low level //We specially designed to realize automatic tag reading by setting
the trigger start condition of the reader's GPI1 to low level. In this way, no external sensor is
needed, and the reader can automatically execute the preset tag reading command (trigger
code)after powering on.
Trigger Code: 021000020101 // Antenna 1 continuously reads EPC, that is, the tag read
command executed automatically by the reader after powering on.
Trigger Stop: OFF, that is, do not stop reading, and keep the reader always reading tags.
Upload: Upload when the conditions are met. This parameter does not affect the automatic
tag reading function.
After click Execute CMD or restart the reader, the reader starts to read tags and uploads the
data to the port of the specified IP address.
Note: When the reader is in the tag reading state, some parameters cannot be configured. If
you want to configure other parameters, you need to stop reading first.
Use TCP TEST tool to verify receiving the custom data from the reader:
The TCP TEST tool network settings on the computer receiving the data are as follows.
Protocol type: UDP