User's Manual

Sending a Voice Call
1. Select a channel used for transmitting a call.
2. Press and hold down the PTT, and then speak into the microphone.
3. LED glows red when transmitting.
4. Release the PTT to receive. If auto reset mode is enabled for the current channel, the
auto reset timer shall be activated. Meanwhile, the LCD displays the
icon, and the
LED glows orange.
Receiving a Voice Call
If CTCSS/CDCSS, 2-Tone, DTMF, HDC1200 or HDC2400
signaling is set for the
current channel, a signaling match is required on an incoming signal for the radio to
unmute. If signaling is not set, the radio can receive calls from all users operating on the
same frequency. You may adjust the volume through the Volume Control knob.
Channel Scan
Each channel can be assigned with a Scan List. Each Scan List may contain up to 32
channels. Channels may have the same Scan List or different ones. Scan proceeds
according to the Scan List assigned to the channel where the scanning starts.
Scan Type
1. Normal Scan
The Normal Scan mode allows the user to hear calls on Scan List members where the
squelch open condition occurs.
2. Vote Scan
Not available on this radio.
Scan Start
The radio emits a programmable alert when scanning initiates. During the scan sequence,
LCD displays the
icon, and LED flashes green. When a match signal is detected on a
Scan List member, or press the PTT/Call key to transmit, LCD displays the current
channel number.
Start radio scan by the following methods: