User's Manual

You must enter the following information:
Sender: Enter your email address
Receiver: Enter your email address or a different email address
SMTP user: Enter the email username
SMTP password: Enter your email password
Note: This function only works if the IP camera is accessed via the network. If you use Gmail,
the port should be configured as 465, SSL should be TLS. The most important, make sure
that your Gmail has SMTP enabled.
After first test email,you will receive an email from google with an login attemt.
Option 2 :
Change your setting to allow less secure apps to access your account,follow these steps :
1.Go to the Less secure apps section in my account.
2.Next to Access for less secure apps,select Turn on.(Note to Google Apps users :This
setting is hidden if your administrator has locked less secure app account access)
3.More details about allow less secure apps ,please refer to this link :
It will send you a notification as soon the camera will be activated (depends on the model)
Alarm Service Settings, please use the same settings like in the screenshot below:
If you let the camera page (browser) on, if the come will be activated, 1 minute will be