User's Manual

DP770 Instruction Manual 20/27
During when the “Call Alert” order is sent out and the radio is waiting for the response, press
, the radio will terminate the order and exit “Call Alert” mode.
If the time to wait for the response is over, the radio will automatically exit this mode and displays
“Call Alert Failed”.
3) Radio Kill/Revive
This function allows one radio sending the signaling to kill another radio. The radio to be
killed cannot display anything, make or receive calls. The radio can only revive through CPS or
the administrator radio sends a revive order. After revived, the radio can work normally again.
This function is used to manage the unauthorized usage of the radio, prevent misappropriating the
radio which is lost.
(1) Receiving a radio kill
When receive radio kill order and “Radio kill/decoding enabled”, the radio will automatically
reply ACK (Successful), or otherwise reply ACK (Failed).
The radio returns to the standby screen, the channel alias, group alias and “Status of kill”
display on the screen. The killed radio will not receive any information except the revive order and
neglect all the keyboard input except ON/OFF key operation.
(2) Receiving a radio revive
When “Radio kill/decoding enabled” and the killed radio receives the revive order, the radio
automatically replies ACK (Successful), or otherwise replay ACK (Failed).
The radio returns to the standby screen. Channel alias and group alias display on the LCD.
(3) Sending a radio kill or revive
By the key programmed as “Radio kill/Radio revive”: *
a) Press the navigation keys
, or rotate the knob to select the target contact, and press
to select.
b) The target ID/alias displays on the LCD, indicating that the radio kill/revive order is sending
out, and the RED LED indicator lights on.
c) Wait for the response.
d) If the response is received, the LCD displays “Radio Kill Successful”, or otherwise displays
“Radio Kill Failed”.