User's Manual

Table Of Contents
If you press
when sending call alert, the radio will exit the call alert mode.
If the retry count is used up and no response is received, the radio will automatically stop sending call
alert and display Call Alert Failed on the screen.
10.3 Radio Stun/Un-stun
Stun/Un-stun feature allows the radio to stun/un-stun the target radio through air signaling. The stunned
radio cannot transmit nor receive and it can only be activated by un-stun signaling of the authorized radio.
This feature is used to prevent from being used without authorization or used by others when lost.
10.3.1 Receiving Stun/Un-stun Signaling
After the target radio receives the stun/un-stun signaling and succeeded to be stunned / un-stunned, it will
automatically send operation success indication to the caller radio.
The radio which is stunned can only display channel alias and group alias when it returns to the home
screen without the ability to receive all the other information except the un-stun signaling. All the operation
on the radio is valid except powering on/off.
After the target radio receives the un-stun signaling and succeeded to be un-stunned, it will automatically
send operation success indication to the caller radio.
The activated radio will go back to normal from being stunned.
10.3.2 Sending Stun and Un-stun Signaling
1) Press in the home screen to enter the menu.
2) Select and enter
management featuremenu.