User's Manual

Video Quality: You can select from the following Video Quality
settings: Normal, High or Low. Higher Quality Videos takes up more
Effect Settings: You can add an unique appearance to your Videos
with the following Effect Settings: Normal, Grayscale, Sepia, Sepia
Green, Sepia Blue, Color Invert.
Restore Default: Video Recorder Parameters will be restored to factory
parameters with this function.
Tip: Generally speaking, you can use the Left/Right or Up/Down
selection key to select the desired setting option according to your need.
Please refer the section “Camera” for more details.
Video Player
You can perform the following operations:
Play: You can play the specified video.
Forward: You can forward the video to MMS and Bluetooth.
Rename: You can rename the specified video.
Delete: You can delete the specified video.
Delete All Files: You can delete all videos.
Sort by: You can sort all video files and display them in a new order;
you can choose to Sort By Name, By Type, By Time, By Size and
Audio Player
The Play, Stop, Back, Forward functions correspond to the Up, Down,
Left and Right Key respectively. The available music formats. Select
List to access the Play List, and then select Options to perform the
following functions: play, view details, add to rings, setting the player
and so on.
Note: To enjoy non-stop music, please download music to the “Music”
folder of phone’s internal memory or the memory card recognized as a
USB disk on your PC. The Audio Player of the phone will automatically
play music files from the “Music” folder. You may need to refresh it
manually from the settings in case you have earlier opted for manual
refresh settings.
Warning: Make sure that the volume is appropriate for your hearing
while using the audio player.
Sound Recorder
The mobile phone supports WAV, AMR or AWB recording formats. You
can record conversations, which may be saved to the Ring Tone folder
under File Manager. If there is a record, press left soft key you can do:
Record, Play, Append (except the format: WAR), Rename, Delete,
Delete All files, Settings and Forward.
Note: If a call is incoming while recording, the record will abort and the
data will be saved into the record folder automatically. AMR adopts
dynamic compression and provides a longer recording time than WAV‘s
while utilizing the same storage space.
Schedule FM record
With this function, your phone can record the FM program as the
schedules. You can set the date and time, repeat style, channel settings
and record settings.
Melody Compose
The mobile phone enables you to compose your favorite music as the
tune of the incoming call, alarm or memo.
Note: The phone can save multiple tones edited by you according to
the volume of tones.
When the Tune Editing List is blank, you can edit your favorite tunes by
pressing “Add”. After you have finished editing, press Options to select
a music instrument or playing speed to play the editing tunes. You also
can save the editing tunes.
Select the edited music, and press Options to perform the following
Play: You can play the specified self-edit tunes.
Edit: You can edit the specified self-edit tunes.