User's Manual

800P31C 中书(平脑 MTK8382/MTK8127/RK3188 )
Important Statements
All contents and services obtained through your device
shall belong to a third party under the protection of
copyright, patent, trademark or other intellectual
properties, and shall be used for your personal non-
commercial purposes only. You are not allowed to use
any content or service in any way without the
authorization of the content or service provider.
In no case shall we be held liable for any direct, indirect
or accidental loss or damage caused by your accessing
any content, service, information or third-party software
through your device.
Third-party services are subject to change, deletion or
may stop without prior notice. We shall not imply or
assure that all services and contents will be kept
available at all time.
We shall not be responsible for providing any related
customer service for any third-party service or content.
Please refer your questions and service requests directly
to the relevant content or service provider.
Please remember to backup the data when using your
device. We shall not be held liable for any personal data
loss or damage caused by software or hardware
misoperation, product repair, battery replacement or any
other unexpected situations, or for any other indirect loss
arising thereof. Any misunderstandings in relation to this
Manual shall be beyond our control. Consequently, we
shall not bear any liability for any accidental loss caused
by the use of this Manual or for any third-party claim