User's Manual

K518 PRO
Lonsdors entire contents, including but not limited to products or services issued by itself or
co-issued with cooperative companies, and the materials and software on Lonsdors related
websites, are copyrighted and protected by law.
No part of the above all shall be copies, modified, extracted, transmitted or bundled with
other products, sold in any way or by any means without the permission of Lonsdor.
And infringement of the companys copyright and other intellectual property rights, Lonsdor
shall seize its liability according to law!
K518 PRO key programmer and related info, which should be used only for normal vehicle
maintenance, diagnosis and testing, please do not use it for illegal purposes.
Lonsdor shall not assume any incidental or consequential damages or any economic
damages arising from the accidents of individual users and the 3rd parties, as well as legal
responsibilities, due to their misuse, unauthorized change or repair of the device, or abuse
to violate laws and regulations. The product has a certain degree of reliability, but does not
rule out the possible loss and damage. The risk arising from the user at their own risk.
Lonsdor does not assume any risks and responsibilities.
Declared by: Lonsdor Dept of Legal Affairs