Users Manual Part 1

6 - 12 Operator’s Manual
6 Customizing the Analyzer Software
When you modify the HGB default gain, the HGB blank voltage will change accordingly.
6.3.8 Setting Auto Startup/Shutdown Time (Administrators)
Administrators may set up the auto startup and shutdown time for the analyzer on the “Auto
Startup/Shutdown” screen.
When you have set the auto startup/shutdown time, the analyzer automatically starts and shutdown
at the set time.
1. TapMenu > Setup > Auto Startup/Shutdown” to enter the “Auto Startup/Shutdown
2. Check require dates.
3. Define the auto startup complete time in the auto startup “Complete Time” field.
For example, if you set the “Complete Time” for auto startup to 8:00 on Monday, the analyzer
automatically starts the startup procedure at 7:40, and completes the procedure at 8:00.
4. Define the auto shutdown time in the auto shutdown “Time” field.
For example, if you set the “Time” for auto shutdown to 17:00 on Monday, the analyzer
automatically starts the shutdown procedure at 17:00.
To use the auto startup function, do not power off the analyzer.