Users Manual Part 1

8 Reviewing Sample Results
Operator’s Manual 8 - 5
1. Select “Menu > Table Review” or tap the “Table Review” utility button to enter theTable
Review” screen.
2. Select one or more sample records of which you want to review the graph data.
The selected sample record is highlighted.
3. TapGraph” to go to the “Graph” screen.
See below for relevant operations on the “Graph” screen:
TapPrevious” or “Next” to browse the previous or next samples.
TapTable Review” to enter the “Table Review” screen.
Other parameters
The “Other parameters” screen displays the RUO parameter results and microscopic parameter
1. Select “Menu > Table Review” or tap the “Table Review” utility button to enter theTable
Review” screen.
2. Select one or more sample records of which you want to review the RUO parameter results and
microscopic parameter results.
The selected sample record is highlighted.
–TapGraph” to enter the “Graph” screen.
–TapOther Para.” to enter the “Other Para.” screen.
Item Description
Research Use Only
(RUO) Parameters
Tap theRUO Para.” tab to review the RUO parameter results.
RUO parameters are for research purpose only and they cannot be
used for diagnosis purpose.
Microscopic parameters Before you can review microscopic parameter results, make sure you
have set the microscopic parameters on the “Setup > Para. Setup >
Microsco. Para. Setup” screen.
1. Tap theMicroscopic Para.” tab to review the “Microscopic
Para.” results or tap the “Result” cell for a certain parameter to
enter the microscopic parameter result.
2. (Optional) Enter the blood group information and ESR result of the
sample in the “Blood Group” and “ESR” edit boxes.
3. (Optional) If necessary, tap the “Print” button on the “Microscopic
Para.” screen to print the microscopic parameter results.
For the method of defining microscopic parameters, see
“6.3.4 Para. Setup (Administrators)”.
You cannot edit the microscopic parameter results of a validated
sample. For the method of validating samples, see
“8.2.9 Validating/Canceling Validation (Administrators)”.