Users Manual Part 1

8 Reviewing Sample Results
Operator’s Manual 8 - 9
8.2.10 Deleting Sample Records
Administrators can delete sample records on the “Table Review” screen.
Deleting some or all sample records
Follow instructions below to delete some or all sample records:
1. Select “Menu > Table Review” or tap the “Table Review” utility button to enter theTable
Review” screen.
2. To delete some sample records, tap to select one or more samples to delete; to delete all the
sample records, go to the next step.
The selected record(s) is/are highlighted.
3. TapDelete”.
The “Delete” dialog box is displayed.
4. To delete some selected sample records, tap to select “Selected records. To delete all the
sample records, tap to select “All records”.
5. TapOK”.
The system deletes the corresponding records.
8.3 Flags of Analysis Results
The analyzer provides two types of flags for analysis results:
Parameter flags
Flags of Abnormal Blood Cell Differential or Morphology
8.3.1 Parameter Flags
The analyzer provides the following parameter flags:
Flag Message Meaning
“H” (default) and “L”
“h” and “l”
“á” and “
High and low result flags The analysis result exceeds the upper or
lower limit of the reference range, but still
within the display range
“R” (default) or “r” Suspect flags The analysis result is suspicious
“++++” Out of display range flag The analysis result is out of the display
“****” Screened results When the system decides a parameter result
is not reliable (for example, the DIFF
parameter results of certain abnormal
samples), the Sample Report screen will not
display the results in values, but as “****”.